
World Multimedia Mercury Model (WorM-cube)

This model allows for estimation of the global multimedia fate and transport of mercury on spatial (15x 15o) and unit-world scales. Files below are in .rar format.  ALL files required to run any particular simulation are inside the respective .rar archive. 

  1. DownloadSpatially resolved global multimedia model (WorM3) (RAR, 1.2 MB)
  2. DownloadUnit-world variant of WorM3(Unit-WorM3) (RAR, 34 KB)
  3. DownloadMonte Carlo analysis of Unit-WorM3 (RAR, 59 KB)

Software requirements:

MATLAB and MS EXCEL.  For (3) above, Crystal Ball is also required.


Qureshi, A., M. MacLeod, and K. Hungerbühler (2011), Quantifying uncertainties in the global mass balance of mercury, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 25, GB4012, external pagedoi:10.1029/2011GB004068.

Release notes:

(In order to keep the model up-to-date and help users, please inform the developer if you make updates on the model or apply it for a particular purpose)

  1. First public version released on 10th March, 2011.


Asif Qureshi:


This work was funded by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (Bundesamt für Umwelt, BAFU).

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