Dr. Elisabet Capón García

Dr.  Elisabet Capón García

Dr. Elisabet Capón García

Staff of Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)

ETH Zürich

Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)

WWA F 13

Wasserwerkstrasse 10 / 12

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Senior researcher (April 2012 – Today)

Group leader of the “Process Design and Optimization” subgroup.

Lecturer of graduate and postgraduate courses: 
Process Simulation and Flowsheeting (MSc), Case Studies in Process Design (MSc), Case Studies in Chemical Engineering II (MSc), Case Studies in Chemical Engineering I (BSc).


Research assistant at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech, UPC - BarcelonaTech (September 2011 – December 2011)

Project: "Mathemathical modeling and optimisation of the design and planning of a hydrogen distribution network for an oil production plant"


Resident PhD - PhD Researcher at UPC - BarcelonaTech (September 2006 – June 2011)

Integrated scheduling decision making in enterprise wide optimization. PhD in Process Systems Engineering. Excellent Cum Laude – 2013 Special Award. My main goal was to integrate in the process scheduling optimization problems the process dynamics.

Mobility Scholarships September-December 2008: Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh.  September-December 2009: TU Dortmund University - Dortmund.


Industrial Engineering at UPC - BarcelonaTech (September 2005 – June 2006) 

Chemical Engineering at UPC - BarcelonaTech (September 2000 – June 2006)

Master thesis: Optimal blanketing system of a solvent-storage multiple tank facility - Modelling, simulation and optimization of the design and operation of alternative blanketing systems for a network of storage tanks in an industrial waste treatment company (Tradebe Group).