external page Juling S, Bachler G, von Goetz N, Lichtenstein D, Boehmert L, Niedzwiecka A, Selve S, Braeuning A, Lampen A (2016) In vivo distribution of nanosilver in the rat: The role of ions and de novo-formed secondary particles, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 97, 327-335.
external page Von Goetz, N (2016) Organizing exposure data is beyond conceptualization, Environmental Science and Technology, 50 (17), 8919-20.
external page Garcia-Hidalgo E, von Goetz N, Siegrist M, Hungerbühler K (2016)Use-patterns of personal care and household cleaning products in Switzerland. Food and Chemical Toxicology, in press.
external page Garcia-Hidalgo E, Sottas V, von Goetz N, Hauri U, Bogdal C, Hungerbühler K (2016) Occurrence and concentrations of isothiazolinones in detergents and cosmetics in Switzerland, Contact dermatitis, in press.
external page Aylward L., Bachler G, von Goetz N, Poddalgoda D, Hays S, Nong A (2016) Biomonitoring Equivalents for Interpretation of Silver Biomonitoring Data in a Risk Assessment Context, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, available online doi:10.1016/j.ijheh.2016.05.005.
external page Sukiene V, Gerecke A, Park Y, Zennegg M, Bakker M, Delmaar C, Hungerbuehler K, von Goetz N (2016) Tracking SVOCs’ transfer from products to indoor air and settled dust with deuterium-labeled substances, Environ. Sci. Technol., 50 (8), 4296–4303.
external page Losert S, Hess A, Ilari G, von Goetz N, Hungerbuehler K (2015) Online characterization of nano-aerosols released by commercial spray products using SMPS–ICPMS coupling, J Nanopart Res,17:293.
external page Dudzina T, Delmaar C, Biesterbos J, Bakker M, Bokkers B, Scheepers P, van Engelen J, Hungerbuehler K, von Goetz N (2015) The probabilistic aggregate consumer exposure model (PACEM): Validation and comparison to a lower-tier assessment for the cyclic siloxane D5, Environment International, 79,8-16.
external page Manova E, von Goetz N, Hungerbuehler K (2015)Aggregate consumer exposure to UV filter ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate via personal care products, Environment International, 74, 249–257.
external page Biesterbos J, Beckmann G, van Wel L, Anzion R, von Goetz N, Dudzina T, Roeleveld N, Ragas A, Russel F, Scheepers P (2015):Aggregate dermal exposure to cyclic siloxanes in personal care products: Implications for risk assessment, Environment International, 74, 231-239.
external page Bachler G, von Goetz N, Hungerbuehler K (2015)Using physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling for dietary risk assessment of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles , Nanotoxicology, 9 (3), 373-380.
external page Manova E, von Goetz N, Hungerbuehler K (2014) Ultraviolet filter contact and photocontact allergy: consumer exposure and risk assessment for octocrylene from personal care products and sunscreens, Br J Dermatol., 171, 1368–1374.
external page Lombi E, Donner E, Scheckel K, Sekine R, Lorenz C, von Goetz N, Nowack B (2014) Silver speciation and release in commercial antimicrobial textiles as influenced by washing, Chemosphere, 111, 352–358.
external page Losert S, von Goetz N, Bekker C, Fransmann W, Wijnhoven S, Delmaar C, Hungerbuehler K, Ulrich A (2014) Human exposure to conventional and nanoparticle-containing sprays - a critical review, Environmental Science & Technology, 48, 5366–5378.
external page Dudzina T, von Goetz N, Bogdal C, Biesterbos J, Hungerbühler K (2014) Concentrations of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes in European cosmetics and personal care products: Prerequisite for human and environmental exposure assessment, Environment International, 62, 86-94.
external page Bachler G, von Goetz N, Hungerbühler K (2013)A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for ionic silver and silver nanoparticles, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 8, 3365–3382.
external page Manová E, von Goetz N, Keller C, Siegrist M, Hungerbühler K (2013) Use patterns of leave-on personal care products among Swiss-German children, adolescents, and adults, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10, 2778–2798.
external page von Goetz N, Fabricius L, Glaus R, Weitbrecht V, Günther D, Hungerbühler K (2013) Migration of silver from commercial plastic food containers and implications for consumer exposure assessment, Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 30, 612–620.
external page von Goetz N, Lorenz C, Windler L, Nowack B, Heuberger MP, Hungerbühler K (2013) Migration of Ag- and TiO2-(nano)particles from textiles into artificial sweat under physical stress: Experiments and exposure modeling, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47 (17), pp 9979–9987.
external page Biesterbos J, Dudzina T, Delmaar C, Bakker M, Russel F, von Goetz N, Scheepers P, Roeleveld N (2013) Usage patterns of personal care products: important factors for exposure assessment, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 55, 8-17.
external page Manova E, von Goetz N, Hauri U, Bogdal C, Hungerbühler K (2013) Organic UV filters in personal care products in Switzerland: A survey of occurrence and concentrations. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 216, 508-514.
external page Windler L, Lorenz C, von Goetz N, Hungerbühler K, Amberg M, Heuberger M, Nowack B (2012)Release of titanium dioxide from textiles during washing, Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (15), 8181-8188.
external page Lorenz C, Windler L, von Goetz N, Lehmann RP, Schuppler M, Hungerbühler K, Heuberger M, Nowack B (2012)Characterization of silver release from commercially available functional (nano)textiles Chemosphere, 89 (7), 817-824.
external page Weir A, Westerhoff P, Fabricius L, Hristovski K, von Goetz N (2012)Titanium dioxide nanoparticles in food and personal care products, Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (4), 2242-2250.
external page Lorenz C, Hagendorfer H, von Goetz N, Kaegi R, Gehrig R, Ulrich A, Scheringer M, Hungerbühler K (2011)Nanosized aerosols from consumer sprays: experimental analysis and exposure modeling for four commercial products Journal for Nanoparticle Research, 13, 3377-3391.
external page Trudel D, Tlustos C, von Goetz N, Scheringer M, Reichert P, Hungerbühler K (2011)Exposure of the Irish population to PBDEs in food: consideration of parameter uncertainty and variability for risk assessment, Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 28, 943–955.
external page Trudel D, Scheringer M, von Goetz N, Hungerbühler K (2011)Total consumer exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers in North America and Europe,
Environmental Science & Technology 45, 2391–2397.
external page Trudel D, Tlustos C, von Goetz N, Scheringer M, Hungerbühler K (2011) PBDE exposure from food in Ireland: Optimizing data exploitation in probabilistic exposure modelling, Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 21, 565-575.
external page Hagendorfer H, Lorenz C, Kaegi R, Sinnet B, Gehrig R, von Goetz N et al. (2010) Size fractionated characterization and quantification of nanoparticle release rates from a consumer spray product containing engineered nanoparticles, Journal for Nanoparticle Research, 12 (7), 2481-2494.
external page Lorenz C, von Goetz N, Scheringer M, Wormuth M, & Hungerbühler K (2011)Potential exposure of German consumers to engineered nanoparticles in cosmetics and personal care products, Nanotoxicology, 5 (1), 12-29.
Lorenz C, Tiede K, Tear S, Boxall A, von Goetz N, & Hungerbühler K. (2010) Imaging and Characterization of Engineered Nanoparticles in Sunscreens by Electron Microscopy, Under Wet and Dry Conditions, International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 16 (4), 406-428.
Schmidt B, Th Neuffer, M Häfner, F Dechet, Th Küchler, B Peters, H Resseler, N von Götz (2005)Evaluation of plant protection product findings in groundwater in Germany, Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd., 57 (11), S. 213–223.
external page von Goetz N, M Wormuth, M Scheringer & K Hungerbühler (2010)Bisphenol A: How the most relevant exposure sources contribute to total consumer exposure, Risk Analysis, 30, No. 3, 473-487
external page Von Götz N, P Nörtersheuser & O Richter (1999) Population based analysis of pesticide kinetics, Chemosphere, 38, No. 7, 1615-1630.
external page Von Götz N & O Richter (1999) Simulation of herbicide degradation in different soils by use of pedo-transfer functions (PTF) and non-linear kinetics, Chemosphere, 38, No. 6, 1401-1407.
Von Götz, N. (1997): Regionalisierung des Herbizidabbaus im Boden unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Bentazon –Datenerhebung und Modellbildung-. Schriftenreihe Landschaftsökologie und Umweltforschung, Heft 28, Selbstverlag Institut für Geographie und Geoökologie der TU Braunschweig.
Conference papers (selected)
Von Götz, N., M. Wormuth, M. Scheringer, K. Hungerbühler (2008): Consumer Exposure to Bisphenol A: Total Exposure Levels relating to Everyday Life of the General Western European Population, SETAC-GLB, Frankfurt/M, Germany.
Von Götz, N. (2005): Entwicklung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln: Vorgehen und Problematik, Proceedings of LUBW-Conference "Pflanzenschutzmittel und Gewässer", Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wasserforschung, München (Hrsg.)
Richter, O. & N. von Götz (1996): Prediction of herbicide kinetics by means of a Fuzzy Expert system. Proceedings of the X Symposium on Pesticide Chemistry, Piacenza, Italia, 425-432.
Von Götz, N., O. Richter (1996): Vorhersage von Herbizidkinetiken durch ein FUZZY-Expertensystem, Z. PflKrankh. PflSchutz, Sonderh. XV, 635-641.
Höck J, Epprecht T, Hofmann H, Höhner K, Krug HF, Lorenz C, Limbach L, Gehr P, Nowack B, Riedicker M, Schirmer K, Schmid B, Som C, Stark W, Studer C, Ulrich A, von Götz N, Wengert S, Wick P (2010). Guidelines on the Precautionary Matrix for Synthetic Nanomaterials, Version 2.